Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Review of Lichgates by S.M Boyce

Review of Lichgates
3rd review for November
Star rating: 4 stars

Loved it, a really good read. I loved the world building and was awed by what S.M Boyce created, let alone the world itself, the creatures and different species that belonged to each separate Kingdom was fascinating. My favourite was the Kingdom of Lousse that was underwater, it was amazingly described. Braeden was such an interesting character he was the root of all evil in a sense, yet his compassion and kindness to Kara was well breath-taking. I loved how he became her protector for different reasons throughout the book, until he realised his feeling for her. He was scary when he got mad but something else when he was Kind.

Kara was a great character funny, sarcastic I love sarcasm but more than anything she was a warrior born to the mortal world but was made the vagabond. There are still so many things unanswered like what her dad wanted her to find, so I will have to read the second book to find out but i think there bloodline wasn't always mortal.

The plot was well thought out, and is only revving up so the next book we shall see the Vagabond in full action, and what choice Braeden will make with his own Kingdom.

The most amazing part of this story was the world building every page came with a new place and it had its own uniqueness, as we visited each kingdom I became awed by the world that S.M Boyce built, she is a masterful storyteller and I got lost in Lichgates and am eager to see what will happen.

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