Rating: Five Stars
I just loved Damaged ( book one of the Rebirth Series)
Audrey is a broken young woman, who has been locked in a
white room for over four years. Her torment and anguish of her time alone leaps
off the pages. Becca Vincenza did a masterful job of taking us inside the mind
of Audrey and showing us how damaged and how far the mind can bend, in the
worst possible way.
A group of men come to save (or not to save) Audrey from her
white room and take her into the outside world. Her reaction to human contact
down to hearing someone’s voice or feeling someone’s touch was once again
amazingly written.
Stone one of the group members feels very protective of
Audrey straight away and sees her in a different light then what is painted
even for us the reader. Hearing of her scarred face, and damaged mind she was
interesting but I couldn't see the attraction to be honest, but as the story
developed I could see what Stone saw in her. A beautiful young women who was
strong, loving and above all willing to believe in good, even against all she
went through, and as we find out exactly why Audrey was kept in the white room
and tortured for so many years, the story lifts off and we are launched into a
detailed and well thought out paranormal world that’s at war with different paranormal
Nixie who befriends Audrey I just loved she was like a ray of sunshine, her
wit and sharp but weird comebacks to others where really funny. :)
Another character I just loved was the wraith Elijah, and
want to know more about him, I fear him and love him, all at the same time. :)
Overall a very well written story. A damaged girl written
amazingly and characters that are so unique and interesting. For this authors
first novel she should be applauded. Just brilliant. Well done and can't wait
for book two.

Head Reviewer @ The Violet Hour Book Reviews:
http://theviolethourbookreviews.wordp...Oh jeez…do you know how many people I told I didn’t want to write this? So here is the one my friend made me:
Becca Vincenza lives in wonderful Michigan. She has a love for Skittles, rainbows, Star Wars, *giggles* and Hot Men. She spends time in her basement with Airicka… Apparently that’s where the best ideas come from.
Any who….she loves meeting new people, so feel free to message her on Facebook and friend her on Goodreads!
Although her phone number will not be given out because, well…she doesn’t like heavy breathing.
So a sort of serious one: For real, I am a geek. I grew up watching Star Wars, and my father read Lord of the Rings to us, along with the C. S. Lewis series. I love to write. In all honesty, it took me a lot of work to get where I am today and I don’t regret a moment of it. Reading and writing are honestly the best things ever. I couldn’t be happier that my parents put me through so much extra help. Anyways! Me, me, me…. Huh…I love paranormal stuff…Love it.